
www.firatfindikoglu.com Visit Site

Widget Embed Script

Just place the embed code below as the first entry in your site's tag, and you're good to go!

Advanced View

                                <script src="https://cdn.corpowid.com/corpowid.js"></script>
                                            var s = d.createElement("script");
                                            /* uncomment the following line to override default position*/
                                            /* s.setAttribute("data-position", 3);*/
                                            /* uncomment the following line to override default size (values: small, large)*/
                                            /* s.setAttribute("data-size", "small");*/
                                            /* uncomment the following line to override default language (e.g., fr, de, es, he, nl, etc.)*/
                                            /* s.setAttribute("data-language", "language");*/
                                            /* uncomment the following line to override color set via widget (e.g., #053f67)*/
                                            /* s.setAttribute("data-color", "#053e67");*/
                                            /* uncomment the following line to override type set via widget (1=person, 2=chair, 3=eye, 4=text)*/
                                            /* s.setAttribute("data-type", "1");*/
                                            /* s.setAttribute("data-statement_text:", "Our Accessibility Statement");*/
                                            /* s.setAttribute("data-statement_url", "http://www.example.com/accessibility")";*/
                                            /* uncomment the following line to override support on mobile devices*/
                                            /* s.setAttribute("data-mobile", true);*/
                                            /* uncomment the following line to set custom trigger action for accessibility menu*/
                                            /* s.setAttribute("data-trigger", "triggerId")*/
                                            s.setAttribute("data-account", "l3AE9MSRwW");
                                            s.setAttribute("src", "https://cdn.userway.org/widget.js");
                                            (d.body || d.head).appendChild(s);
                                    <noscript>Please ensure Javascript is enabled for purposes of <a href="https://userway.org">website accessibility</a></noscript>

Managing multiple sites for multiple clients? Great! Make sure you use the same embed code on all of your sites!

Your Current Plan and Status

You are using a free version to
Corpowid Widget.

upgrade to Pro Package

Corpowid Plugin is installed on your website

15 Day Remaining to finish.

Your Current Plan and Status

We like to make things easy. One Plan, One Price!

$60 / month

Billed monthly
  • Tincidunt phasellus etiam pellentesque ipsum
  • Mollis sociis dui ut diam
  • In consectetur libero convallis sollicitudin
  • Rhoncus neque mi hendrerit adipiscing
upgrade to Monthly Plan

Yearly Plan

Save $120. Equivalent to $60 per month; The last 2 months are free!

$600 / year

Billed yearly
  • Tincidunt phasellus etiam pellentesque ipsum
  • Mollis sociis dui ut diam
  • In consectetur libero convallis sollicitudin
  • Rhoncus neque mi hendrerit adipiscing
upgrade to Yearly Plan

Complete Payment

Tincidunt egestas quam tortor interdum magna semper. Nunc euismod id massa vel lacus magna. Suspendisse vulputate consequat id.

Sites Url: firatfindikoglu.com

Website Tier: Small

Total: $60

Complete Payment

Tincidunt egestas quam tortor interdum magna semper. Nunc euismod id massa vel lacus magna. Suspendisse vulputate consequat id.

Payment will be made in 7 days. Cancel any time

Sites Url: firatfindikoglu.com

Website Tier: Small

Total: $60